Parent Reservation ID | If this reservation is a part of a multi-resource reservation then this refers to the parent, grouping, reservation and can be used to group multi-resource reservation rows together. |
Reservation ID | A unique ID for each reservation. |
Type | Can be one of: Reservation, Request, Actual Usage, or Instrument Login. |
Created | The date this activity object was created or last edited. |
Status | Can be one of: approved, cancelled, denied, or pending. |
Date | The start of the reservation or the time when a request was made. |
Date End | The end of the reservation or the time when a request was made. |
Date Original End | The originally requested end time. This time can differ from Date End when a reservation was ended early through the check-out process. |
Bill To | The person whom this activity is billed to - either the person the who made the request or, if they have a supervisor, their supervisor. |
User | The user whom this request is for (e.g. Reserved For). |
Account Number | The account number associated with this activity entered at the time of booking of request. |
Checked In | Whether or not this activity has actual usage records associated with it to show the person has checked in. Can be from explicit user check-in or from alternative usage recording methods like sensors or the actual usage API. |
Checked-In At | The earliest actual usage time recorded for the activity. |
Checked-Out At | The latest actual usage time recorded for the activity. |
Booked Minutes | The number of minutes in the latest version of the reservation between Date and Date End. |
Booked Minutes Original | The number of minutes in the original version of the reservation between Date and Date Original End. |
Actual Minutes | The total number of actual usage minutes recorded through the check in and check out process or through other actual usage recording methods. |
Auto-Cancelled | Whether this activity was auto-cancelled based on a lack of actual usage activity and the pre-set auto-cancellation rules. |
Hidden Note (User) | The value of the hidden note on the user's account that can be set by editing a user profile on the administration page. |
Resource | The resource this activity is for. |
Units | The number of booked units and the unit name if set. |
Purpose | The purpose field. |
Administrator's Note (Reservation) | The hidden administrator's note only visible to administrators and moderators. |
Note | The user settable note field. |
Rate Description | The description of the rate selected. |
Rate | The value of and the basis for the selected rate. |
Total Minutes | Total minutes, to 2 decimal places, of the final booked time. |
Rate Multiplier | Depending on the rate basis and unit basis, the multiplier of the base rate to arrive at the final price. For example, a rate that is per hour and per unit, for a 2.5 hour reservation with 2 units, would have a rate multiplier of 2.5×2=5.0. |
Calculated Fees | The final calculated price. |
Filter Start | The start date for the filter used to generate this report. |
Filter End | The end date for the filter used to generate this report. |
Filtered Total Minutes | The number of minutes for this reservation that fall within the filtered dates. Can differ from the actual reserved minutes when a reservation spans multiple days. |
Created By | The user who created this activity. |
Projects | Projects this activity is associated with. |
Approved By | A list of users who approved this activity. |
Approval Time | The time at which a reservation became approved. |
Approval Lag | The time between a reservation being created and when that reservation became approved (only when a reservation requires approvers). |
Custom Form Fields | Any custom form fields that are recorded are listed at the end. |